Thursday, March 26, 2015

Photoshopping perfection

Breaking down what our Generation already seems to know....

With tools like Photoshop, airbrushing, filters and so much more- technology has made it so that anyone can be transformed into something they aren't. This has taken a huge impact on both men and women as the famous "unrealistic expectations" are being set.
We, the public, even call them out on these unrealistic expectations, and wonder why we continue to bombard ourselves with these ideas.
Yet we do, and beauty industries reap the rewards of making us insecure, and earn millions.
I recently came across this (click here) video, several of you have probably already seen it. Though I
thought it was an interesting angle. It depicts several women having their image photo shopped. All of their imperfections that they have fretted about all of their life were suddenly airbrushed and altered away. However when they were show their improved pictures instead of marveling in their perfection-they felt uncomfortable, stripped of anything that made them real and themselves. I thought it was a powerful video and showed that while we strive for it, when we achieve this perfection we realize that we'd rather be back in our own skin. Being a real human and embracing our differences is the message we should really be pushing out.

Support Churg-Strauss ad

Posted above is my facebook ad! I focused the age group to a younger audience in hopes that it would target those that would be ambitious and/or curious enough to really jump in and learn about/ help raise awareness about Churg-Strauss.
I also utilized several target words in order to help gain this group such as "awarness" "medical" "cure" and "learning". I feel this would help narrow the auidence to gain the people that could really help make a difference.
I did not push out this ad, though I am concedering it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thought Germs

Here is a link to video that a friend of my recently showed me. It accurately depicts how fast information moves through social media, and explains how arguments across our social media can spread creating various debates we see flow through our news feed. I thought it was extremely interesting! 
Click here to watch!

Contextual Analysis Topic

Our discussion on religion has inspired me to pick the Mormon religion within social media for my contextual analysis topic.
Being a non-Mormon in an extremely Mormon culture has been an interesting experience, especially within my own social media. Within my own social media bubble daily posts that praise, pressure, create heated debates, and even generate hate about the Mormon religion crop up. Therefore I feel it would be interesting to explore this topic as it is one I face daily.  

     -- VS --

Social Media Barriers & Climate Change

Considering the ways social media can create a barrier to the topic of climate change, it seems as though the quantity, and validity of information we consume is a topic not to be taken lightly.
Earlier in this class, when discussing the dots of media, I found that one of the largest issues with so much information out there is that we tend not to take the time to question what we consume. Information is quickly spread, and redaction's are made that post does not go as far because it is old news, or often not as viral as the original story. 

Considering social media alone, personal postings come from not only our peers, but liked pages which can even include government officials. Because of this, we tend to just absorb the information as we scroll and neglect to actually fact check any information for ourselves. Thus real truths about climate change can go unknown as each side frames their argument in ways that benefit their own cause. 

Our discussion reminded me of a video Jon Stewart made -Which can be seen here

 in which he reviewed the House of Representatives committee’s interview of a scientist on the subject of climate change. Several of the comments made by our elected officials are indeed ridiculous, especially to those who have a basic understanding of climate change. John Stewart is also framing here also to highlight the ridiculousness, leaving out any potential comments that could have been valid. On the other side of things, those who watched the interview without outside commentary, if they had no prior knowledge of facts about climate change they have the potential to be swept up and believe those who hold a position of power who tell them that nothing is wrong.

Both sides of this can be seen even through the discussions that take place in the youtube comments on this video alone. I feel here lies the major barrier, when we are given a small amount of knowledge- instead of delving into the topic ourselves to gain accurate information, more often than not we just spread the small piece of information we received and share it over social media. As misconceptions from both sides, ranging from the idea that climate change is a complete myth to the idea that humans alone caused the climate change. As ideas like this become popular and go viral, many misconceptions get spread around and create barriers to the actual facts of climate change and what is going on in the world.

Without accurate information being shared all across social media outlets, it’s hard to help create a movement for change. We first need to take down the barrier of simply accepting information, and truly educate ourselves to important matters like these, so that the correct information and be shared and a change based on knowledge rather than because it’s “trending” can begin.