Friday, April 17, 2015

Facebook Analysis: Support for Churg-Strauss

Facebook Analytics

Churg-Strauss, also known as "Eosinophilic Granulomatosis" is an autoimmune disease without a known cure. More so it's something a person very close to me has been struggling with for years, with little advancements being made,  However, finally this summer some medical studies are beginning on this disease, but without awareness and support these studies remain extremely small. Therefore, that is why I created my Facebook campaign, "Support for Churg-Strauss, in order to help raise awareness and hopefully gain support. I utilized photos of what the disease looks like under a microscope, which looks interesting with it's bright color and pattern, and tried to make the name of the page stand out.

Looking back into my earlier blog when first creating this page my My mission statement and persona's were as follows:
Mission statement:
Churg-Strauss syndrome is an uncommon disease that deals with the inflammation within blood vessel walls, and it currently has no cure. “Support for Churg-Strauss” is an outreach page dedicated to raising awareness to this rare issue. By providing information, highlighting resources, and tracking updates on potential breakthroughs we hope to make this issue better known to the public.  Effectively uniting anyone who is interested in the cause. 


Persona #1) Stephen is a 42 year old man, a little under 6 months ago he began deal with severe issues pertaining to his sinuses and asthma. Finally after giving in and going to a doctor, he was diagnosed with Churg-Strauss syndrome. Stephen now is browsing the internet for information and resources so he can better understand this rare issue. 

Persona #2) Lacy and Travis are young parents with a 6 year old son who was diagnosed with Churg-strauss. They have exhausted all of the resources they could find, but hope to track any developments pertaining to finding a cure. Even more so they hope to find someone else impacted by this syndrome to talk to their son. They feel having someone who is also dealing with the syndrome would be great for their son to ask questions and see, that with proper care, it is a manageable disease. 

Persona #3) Sarah is a 24 year old who spends a lot of her time on Internet, especially facebook. Always looking for new stories to read she always finds her way to interesting articles on the internet. She also browses the articles her friends posts of Facebook. Through this she has become aware of several organizations and been a part of several volunteer projects that have happened throughout her community.

Keeping these ideas in mind I created my short and long descriptions of the page hoping to attract those who may suffer from Churg-Strauss themselves or those who may want to help in raising awareness about this issue.

Page Likes

After the creation of my page I encourage Facebook friends and class mates to engage in the page. In the first month I achieved 53 likes, however though I kept encouraging those who liked the page to engage and share the posts, the page likes unfortunately did not rise, and I actually had a one "like" loss in March putting my count to 52 and holding. It is a decent amount of people to push information out to, however I was disappointed that I could not garner anymore likes outside of its initial creation. 

Page & Tab Visits:

While I created a Facebook ad for fun which looks like this:

I did not actually pay to put the ad out there- though I felt like narrowing down the audience to what I was hoping to attract and pushing ads out to them would have generated more attention to the page. 
So my page was then visited by those who liked the page
My page was mostly visited by other Facebook users, with one finding the page through my blog.  My "Info" tab was viewed a couple times throughout this project, but most of the traffic came from other timelines. 

Total post reach:

I did not pay to boost my posts, on average depending on the time of day I was able to reach at least over 10 people, my highest reach being in the mid 30's. 

Support Churg-Strauss Fans:

75% of those who liked this page were female, and 25% male. A combined 77% fell into the ages of 18-34. I think this is a great age range as I would hope young groups would be more proactive in wanting to raise awareness. This age range and gender lean fell into at least two personas I created. However this rare disease most commonly appears in those in the 40-60 age range, so it would have been nice to get more of a fan base from that side of things in order to gain some support there. My likes also spanned 10 different states and even one from Japan. While I realize most if this comes from those who moved to St. George from a different state or country, it still give the page an opportunity to reach into those states if it connects with the social networks of those who liked the page. It did not look like this networking happened but I believe if still has potential to branch out which is a good sign. 

Support for Churg-Strauss Fan Reach:

As I said before I did not actually push out my Facebook ad, which I feel may have increased the reach. Several posts did not make the reach I had hoped for even though I tried to utilize different "hot spot" times to post. However my reach was able to expand to those which were outside of my "fans" which shows this page had potential to expand to those who are curious. 

Support for Churg-Strauss Fan Engagement: 

Fan engagement was undoubtedly the biggest and most heartbreaking challenge for me. It was difficult to take a serious, rare disease, and try to create engaging posts. I tried informational pages, links to things being done, bright colors, light humor, pictures, TV references, and videos. I challenged people to share the post, like the anything with the post...yet none of these really stuck. I think while the large young fan base has the potential to be pro active it is another step to get them to actually create an environment where they inform themselves about it and want to do something. 
With so many large diseases and issues that already have achieved support and have ways to easily get involved such as with ribbons, and walks, it is harder to create a movement off of something less well known. 
I clearly did not find the right tactic to create this movement, and get people to engage. So I will likely take more time to see what might work as this is something I'm interesting in keeping up with, especially as studies begin.  I did manage to receive at least 1 like per post, rarely there was a comment, but nothing enough to generate any data for me to display here. 

Post Types & Engagement:

Going off of what I have written above, these are my post types and engagements. I utilized several different posts but out of 52 people my average reach was 23 with photos and 19 with links. Even at the highest of 23, that is not even half of my fan base. While I did get a couple likes and shares I did not engage more than 5 people on any one post. So overall these numbers were a little discouraging, but also gives important feedback that I need to keep looking for another tactic to try, hopefully something will stick as I continue. 

Individuals Posts & Engagements:

Looking at the demographics of those who most visited my page as well as different times to post I tried to create a variety of things to check out and hopefully get some involved with the page. The post introducing what Churg-Strauss was garnered the most attention with 11-12 people engaging in the post. Others aimed at what can be done to help, or stories of those living with Churg-Strauss had 0-1 involvement. My own created pictures seemed to draw even more attention than found videos or links. I am not positive as to why, but it certainly was interesting and I am still trying to understand what the best way to push out this information is.
Interestingly enough I found the the posts I made myself on power point seemed to attract the most attention. I feel like this may be because the information was right in front of the viewers at that moment. They did not need any additional attention and were short enough to gain some interest. 


This assignment has really helped me understand the workings of social media on a much deeper level. Targeting demographics, and creating engaging posts is a challenge that needs to be seriously thought about before moving forward. 
I feel like picking a "raising awareness" topic brought in it's own struggles too. It was difficult to find a balance to find what would bring people in.  I feel like I could and should have posted more, posting more frequently likely would have pushed posts into some news feeds that it had not appeared in before. While I kept trying different tactics, post more often in different ways could have helped solidify what would reach people enough in order to want to do something.
Overall however, I feel I have learned a lot through this process and would like to continue this page. Gaining support for Churg-Strauss is something I am passionate about and I would love to apply what I've learned through this to be able to reach and expand this awareness project further.  

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