Friday, April 10, 2015

Paradigm Shift, Stop Traffick

  • In addition to other research my main contribution was looking at the National and Global statistics found about sex slave trafficking.
  • Google search: Saudi Arabia, Seoul, Turkey, China, United States.
  • Human Trafficking generates $9.5 billion yearly in the United States

  • Our own backyard:  “According to the 2005 report...14,500 to 17,500 trafficked into the U.S.”

  • Children alone: Globally there are between 100,000 and 250,000 children who are victims of sex trafficking.

“According to a 2005 report examined 169 countries; 14 of these were considered "Tier 3," meaning they were judged as not making significant efforts to combat trafficking.--” The Abolitionist

I also watch a documentary called "Tricked" On Netflix which talked about the prostitution ring in the United States These were my notes:

Sex slave industry/Prostitutes, Notes "Tricked"
Womans perspective:
-Make me feel wanted/taken care of> Gain trust by boyfriending in>Forced to work
-It's like being raped, don't feel like they have a choice
-Starting as early as age 11 to cater to child molesters
-Didn't know love, thought it meant sex
-Prostitute=money, or whore=free, Every woman is one of these.
-Pimp- You want to like him. Don't get arrested as often as the prostitutes. >When arrested woman was immediately moved around to different states by pimp to continue work.
-Lurk on online chat rooms luring girls in. Forcing/Beating them into working for them
-”Everybody wants to be a pimp”- but they don't know what they are doing. Selling bodies to EAT.
-When women are arrested for prostitution courts do not ask if they need help- just send them back out to the streets/their pimps.
-Try to do everything you can>but they keep revolving door (abused victim + hardened criminal)
-Sting operation
-Paying for prostitutes is something they budget for, like a bill. They view them strictly as an object.

***EDIT: I just found This article about a sex slave survivor who claims that police officers are among the many of the abusers. 

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